The purpose of the role is to be responsible for the Accounting and Banking of the Social Enterprise and ensure that the organisations finances connect with the overall mission, including full oversight of budgets, investments and cash management. The Treasurer will support proper expenditure to promote the growth of the Enterprise.


  • Management of the financial affairs of the organization – including basic tasks such as selecting a bank, reconciling bank statements, and managing cash flows and investing funds consistent with applicable laws. 
  •  Ensure full controls and audits in place regarding who has access to organizations fund and any outstanding bills or debts owed. 
Develop and manage systems to ensure the organizations solvency.
Oversee the development of the organizations financial policies (e.g. Signing authority, mandates, expense reimbursement, credit card usage, petty cash, etc.).  

  • Work closely with other Board officers (Including President and Secretary).
  • Responsible for preparing or facilitating the preparation of an annual budget, including regular monitoring, and comparing the actual revenues and expenses incurred against such budget 
  • Development of a budget that supports the organizations goals and drive decision making 
  • Ensure that full explanations and justifications can be provided to Board regarding any questions that may arise 
  • Develop, submit, and publish (Where necessary) financial reports and financial ratios in a timely manner and for Board review 
  • Keep the Board apprised of key financial events, trends, and concerns 
  • Keep the Board apprised of the organization’s fiscal health 
  • Responsible for filing of Legal forms
  • Be able to adequately and in simple language translate financial concepts and information to board members.

  • Facilitate and encourage the Boards Strategic thinking about short- and long-term financial vitality in relation to its advancement of the organizations mission.

  • Ensure accuracy, complete and up to date accounting practices always.

  • Assist in developing financial strategies for Countries (Quarterly and Yearly).

  • Play a financial advisory role to Countries.

  • Seek to maintain a positive professional relationship with partner financial institutions.

  • Set the Financial standards, principles, and policies at a central/Global level with appropriate cascading to Countries.


The Treasurer/CFO of the Board and International Management Team will work closely together with the Global President, Secretary and other Board members as well as the Global Management Team consisting of Global CEO, Chief Operations Officer, Global Strategy Leader 4M and Arise and additional marketing, legal, and information positions.
As we are transitioning into a new operating model, this role is considered new. The team that needs to be built is not existing yet. The country leaders all have a high degree of (legal) autonomy, yet require support on various levels.